Top three horse racing scandals

horse racing scandals image of horses racing for illustration only

Horse racing scandals can create vast sums of money, fame, and fortune for the corrupt. The downside is potential prison time and social paraigh status. The integrity of horse racing is an essential component for everyone involved. However, not everyone got the memo. Here we look at the most high-profile horse racing scandals but these are just a fraction of the ones we know about. Lester Piggot Doping (and Tax) Scandal Everyone in horse racing knows of the famous Lester Piggot who had a love/hate relationship with the British taxman.…

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Off beat betting. Weird but fun bets

off beat betting Images of Camel Racing in Tunisia with a crowd behind them.

Horse racing is awesome but sometimes off beat betting gives completely new gives renewed excitement and an experience to remember. These are not the type of bets a reader could place in the local betting shop or domestic on-line betting site but it is possible to bet on the following, remembering it’s all about the fun… “I won. My camel came in at 10-1” would be an interesting conversation starter even with non-gamblers on a Monday morning. Camel Racing One of the most well known alternatives to horse racing is…

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